Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500
Title: John the Baptist Day
Artist: Selezneova O.
Size: 8x13x3
Size (inches): 3.25x5x1.25
Price: $425 $320

Description: This exceptional box was created by Olga Selezneova from the village of Fedoskino.
It is shows a scene from peasant life. It is the beginning of summer, the time when people celebrate the St. John Baptist's Day (or the Ivan Kupala Day) which is the ancient pagan feast. The group of girls sings and dances in a ring to the accompaniment of a shepherd's pipe while another girls throw garlands of flowers on the water trying to forecast their future. The lad who will take the garland out of water will be a husband of one of the girls.
The box is constructed from paper-mache, and rests on a flat bottom. Black lacquer is used to paint its exterior while red lacquer completes its interior. The lid removes easily without hinge. The bottom part is decorated with beautiful gold filigree designs. The work is signed with the artist's name, the village of Fedoskino and the year of 2006.