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Hello Dear Alexey,
Thank you for bringing this incredible work of Art to my attention. It is
nearly 0500 hours in the morning, here on Vancouver Island, Canada, and the
only times I remember feeling such bliss when I was in the waking up
process, was every special morning I awoke to my children when they were
newborn infants, until they grew to be young adults. For me personnally,
the sound of children is like music to my ears, no matter what sound they
are making, it is all music to me... I only wish my daughter was alive, to
enjoy looking at this incredible Masterpiece with me, for the very first
time.... In my personal opinion, something so beautiful is priceless, and I
am a bit saddenned that the Artist has decided to sell this piece, for
whatever reason he has. I am sure the Artist has very personal reasons for
selling something so beautiful that he created with his own incredibly
gifted mind and hands. This person is a brilliant Artist in every sense of
the word.
I sincerely hope that the person who has the good fortune of being wealthy
enough to purchase this incredible piece, does not buy it, for bragging
rights or to flaunt their wealth for the purpose of impressing their
friends, without recognizing the exceptional piece of remarkable Art that
this really is, and more importantly, the Artist who has brought life to the
great Russian Author, known simply as "Pushkin" to most people in the
literarary world, who has brought his writings of Timeless Fairy Tales, to
generations of Children and Adults all over this world.
It takes an equally "yoked" and incredible mind to bring "life" to the
writings of equally gifted and brilliant people in the literary Arts, whose
words have proven to be timeless and loved by all who read them. In this
case, the Artist who is known to the World, as Vladimir Moshkovich and is a
true Master of the Russian Artform, known as Mstera, has given the World
his own great gift of bringing great life to the Characters and the
Fairytale, Titled: "The Tale of The Sleeping Princess and the Seven
Bogatyrs" written by the Author who is famous the world over, and always
will be, known, as the one and only, "Pushkin"! Whose Fairytales are
timeless and still enjoyed to this very day, by every single adult and
child, who has gone to sleep listening to their Parents, reading one of the
many Fairytales that Pushkin has written.
Pushkin is a Master of the Literary Arts, and it takes a Master of the Arts,
with an incredible imagination to create such an awe-inspiring, visual view,
and interpretation of this wonderful Fairytale that reaches every crook and
cranny and corner of the human imagination, to feast their eyes upon, like a
neverending Banquet of exquistie foods, that would take a lifetime to see or
taste everything that Vladimir has put into this most incredible work of
Art, that is priceless in my mind......
There is something very magical that occurs, whenever 2 people, in
particular, an Author and an Artist, whose gifts they bring to this World,
meld both words and art together, to create a Masterpiece! It challenges
every facet of the human imagination, and lives on, long after both Artists
leave this World to embark on a new Journey, and are never, ever, forgotten.
Their gifts they bring together, are beautiful, magical and nothing short
of miraculous, in my mind. It is amazing to see the pure beauty that can
happen, when 2 very different and brilliant people come together. The
Masterpiece that comes from this partnership should serve as an example to
every World Leader, as to the common good that can be achieved, if they
would just work together and allow cultures and religions to be seen in a
positive light, instead of warring over the many different cultures and
religions that make each person special, in their own way. If we were all
the same, this World would be a very boring place to live in..... I often
wonder, how great this World would be, if only we embraced other cultures
and the differences that make everyone special, the World over, and the
incredible amount of goodness that would happen for all of us, if only we
could meld together, and found some common ground and mutual respect for our
differences, like the incredible magic that happens, when Words and Art
become one.....
I hope with all my heart that the Artist does not negotiate or accept a
lower price on this Masterpiece. Personally, I think this incredible work
of Art is drastically underpriced. I believe the person who has the good
fortune of purchasing this Timeless Piece, will already know that this much
Art is worth a great deal more than it is priced at now, and I hope they are
not buying it for Resale, rather, something that will be treasured greatly
for many generations to come within their family.
Such an incredible marriage of Art and Words, is simply priceless, in my
mind, and I would never dream of selling something as beautiful as this, to
anyone who is completely ignorant of the Arts, and attempts to earn bragging
rights with their wealthy friends, forgetting what this Artwork represents,
by negotiating a lesser price, on a Masterpiece that will never be
duplicated again. To offer a lessor price for this kind of Art, would most
certainly be an insult to the Artist, Vladimir Moshkovich, and also an
insult to the memories of Pushkin and the writings he has given this world
to enjoy, who is also, so obviously admired by this incredibly gifted Master
of the Arts, Vladimir Moshkovich.
Thank you for sharing this Beauty with me Alexey. You made my day!
Wishing you Peace, Love and Joy,
your friend, Lori, in Canada
Dear Alexey--I just received my beautiful new box--"God's Fool" by Golovanov. It is stunning! Thank you so much for your careful packing and prompt
shipping. And thank you, too, for having such a great website. I can really see what each box looks like thanks to your many photos and informative text.
This is my second purchase from you, and I buy with confidence, knowing that I will get top quality boxes delivered in excellent condition. I look forward
to doing business with you again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cathy,Dec 2008
Dear Alexey,
I just saw your email. Somehow, I missed it earlier this week. I get so many emails every day that I overlook some of them routinely. Thanks so much for letting me know the package is on its way. I really appreciate your correspondence. After it arrives, I'll be sure to let you know that it's here safe & sound. I can't afford to buy the boxes every month, but I will certainly be paying your website frequent visits & purchasing again whenever I can in future. You have some of the most creative artwork & represent some of the more talented artists in Lacquer Box Art that I have seen on the internet! Unfortunately, many of the boxes I love are well beyond what I am able to afford but I love the boxes & know I'll be getting them from you as I can. I hope you are all well in your corner of the world. I am half Russian (my oldest brother has the same name as you) & I very much hope I get to see Russia someday. My parents have visited there several times & I so love seeing their photographs & when I was growing up listening to my Grandmother's stories about Russia. She was from St. Petersburg & my grandfather originally came from a small village in Siberia. She came from a wealthy, prominent family & he would have been from what you over there would call "the peasant class". I imagine it must have caused quite scandal back then!
Well, have a lovely weekend coming up. Will email you back when box arrives. Thanks so much for writing again.
My Best Always, Leslie