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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: A little Thief
Artist: Demianenkov Nikolay
Size: 5x2x10.5
Size (inches): 2x0.75x4
Price : $490 SOLD!


This uncommonly shaped box has been created by Nikolay Demiyanenkov from the village of Fedoskino.
On the front side of the piece the artist has painted a humorous scene. An young fisherman is dreaming of something cool looking at the skies.The face is almost smiled. Near at the water we can see an otter, who just got a fish that was catch by a fisherman in it's small tooth...a moment and otter will disappeared in a water...
The back side of the box's exterior is silver with the paintings of green leaves and flowers . The interior is black. The lid is hinged at the top of the painting. The work is signed with the artist's name.

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