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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: A view to Kremlin from the Crimean Bridge...
Artist: Gogina Natalie
Size: 12.5x10.5x4
Size (inches): 5x4x1.5
Price: $650 $450

This summer landscape masterfully painted by Natalya Gogina is a splendid example of how Russian lacquer miniature artists are able to bring hand-painted masterpieces into common people's homes. "A View of the Moscow Kremlin from the Krymsky (or "Crimean") Bridge in a Rainy Day" as this work is entitled was originally painted on canvas in 1851 by Alexey Savrasov. This masterpiece is exhibited in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery.
The box's sides are decorated with a gold scan pattern (composed of scrolls hand punched from gold metal sheets, and then glued to the box manually).
The box is made out of high quality paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The lid is hinged from the top of the scene, and the box rests on four legs. Signed with the artist's name, the village of Fedoskino, the title, and the year of 2005 on the box's exterior bottom.

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