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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: Summerhouse
Artist: Puchkov Piotr Nikolaevich(1932-2000)
Size: 7x4.5
Size (inches): 2.75x1.75
Price : $650 SOLD!


This small round box was created by the famous Fedoskino artist Piotr Puchkov, whose works are displayed in almost every major book on Fedoskino lacquer miniature painting. Puchkov is known for painting of architecture and landscape scenes.
The composition is painted over a large piece of mother-of-pearl.
The scene in general is well drawn, and the pergola is particularly detailed.
The composition is mostly painted in yellow tones that suit perfectly for the depiction of a fall scene.
The box is made out of plastic at the Fedoskino Factory. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box has no hinge and rests on a flat bottom. It is signed with the name of the artist, village and year (1989).

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