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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: Italian Noon (after K.Brullov}
Artist: Karapaev Yuriy(1936-2009)
Size: 11x15.5x4.5
Size (inches): 4.25x6x1.75
Price: $625 $450

This box was painted in 1960-1970es by a famous Fedoskino Master Yuriy Karapaev(1937-2009). It shows how Russian lacquer miniature artists are able to bring hand-painted masterpieces into regular people's homes.
The painting is called "Italian Noon" and was originally painted by famous Russian painted Karl Brullov.
The first version was painted in 1936 and now kept in Russian Museum in St.Petersburg, and a smaller version (painted in 1831)now exhibited in the Moscow's Tretyakov Gallery.
The box is made out of paper-mache. It has a hinge from the top of the composition and rests on a flat bottom. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The work is signed with the artist's name and Fedoskino.

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