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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: Scarlet Flower
Artist: Galyamina Marie
Size: 5.5x7.5x2.5
Size (inches): 2.25x3x1
Price: $575 $375

This attractive oval box is a creation of Marie Galyamina. It shows the main characters of the popular fairy-tale "The Scarlet Flower". In the foreground the artist depicts the merchant's daughter holding the most beautiful flower in the world. This flower was the reason of her captivity in the enchanted kingdom of the ugly beast who is drawn in the background. Her father, the merchant, stole it in the splendid garden, and the owner of this garden, the beast, punished him by taking him prisoner. The girl loved her father much and decided to become the beast's prisoner instead of her father. Being very kind, she soon understood that she loved the beast. In the end of the tale her love ruined evil spell, and the ugly beast turned into the handsome prince who had been enchanted by a wicked witch.
The work is drawn in delicate blue tones. Gold metal leaf shines through the girl's diadem, her ear-rings and cuffs of her dress. The artist continues to paint marvelous flowers of the beast's garden on the box's sides. The box's exterior bottom is cream, and decorated with light blue thin veins. The exterior bottom is also outlined with bright gold band, and in the middle of it the artist has written her name, the title, and Fedoskino.
The box is constructed from paper-mache, and rests on a flat bottom. Its interior is covered with red lacquer. The lid is hinged to the left of the scene. A stunning fairy tale scene!

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