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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: Princess Frog
Artist: Yastrebov Oleg
Size: 9x12x2
Size (inches): 3.5x4.75x0.75
Price: $495 $325

This splendid box is a creation of the talented Fedoskino artist Oleg Yastrebov. His ability to depict strikingly decorative compositions is second to none. He often invents the themes of his works by himself, depicting the charming world born in his creative mind; or uses Russian fairy-tales.
This time Yastrebov has chosen to depict the main characters of the Russian folk fairy-tale "Princess Frog". Here we can see Ivan Tsarevich sitting near the swamp; his arrow has landed next to a frog that is destined to be his wife.
The artist has painted the frog with anatomical precision, and managed to express Ivan's emotions...
The scene is painted in brown and yellow tones against the gray background. Multicolored spangles are sprayed throughout the scene for additional decoration.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. A hinge is fastened to the left of the composition, and the box rests flat. The work is signed (with his heart-shape sign), titled ("Frog Princess"), and Fedoskino and date(2006) by the artist.

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