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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500

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Title: Landscape
Artist: Parmeonov Sergey
Size: 12.5x9x5.5
Size (inches): 5x3.5x2.25
Price: $270 $250

This summer landscape scene was painted by the talented Fedoskino artist, Sergey Parmeonov.
The artist has used a whole sea shell as a lid of this box, otherwords, the artist has used mother-of-pearl as base for his painting! The painting is made on the mother-of-pearl, and it shines from all over the scene through the skies, river, and through the trees...
Sergey Parmeonov has masterfully reflected beauty of Russian countryside in Summer time. Painterly skill creates a dramatic interplay of light and shadow within the scene!
If we will open the box, under the lid we can see unpainted mother-of-pearl.
The scene is outlined with gold line, two parallel gold lines wrap around the box's sides.
The base of piece is constructed from paper-mache, the lid is a sea shell.
Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the lid and the base while red lacquer completes its interior, where there is no painting. The lid is hinged from the top of the scene, and the box rests on a wavy platform. The work is signed with the artist's name.

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