Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500
Title: Grandson
Artist: Danchenko Taisiya
Size: 9.5x12.5x2.5
Size (inches): 3.75x5x1
Price: $475 $420

Description: This charming box has been painted by Taisia Danchenko.
The work is called Grandson, and shows a young boy with his grandparents at countryside. Grandson is sit on the knees of Granddad and GrandMa brought a plate with milk and trying to make a boy to drink it...
The edges of a lid are decorated with gold filigree; gold beads also can be found wrapping around the edges of the box's bottom part. The box's exterior is covered with light green paint and interior is traditionally covered with red lacquer.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. The lid is hinged from the left of the scene, and the box rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the artist's name and Fedoskino below the composition.