Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500
Title: Already He Knew God As His Father
Artist: Dokuchaev Evgeniy
Size: 11x13.5x3.5
Size (inches): 4.25x5.25x1.25
Price: $375 $299

Description: This delightful piece of authentic Russian artistry was created by a talented artist Yevgeniy Dokuchaev from the village of Fedoskino. Dokuchev graduated from Fedoskino Art School in 1962, and in 1976 from the Moscow Higher Art Industrial College (former Stroganov School). This artist differs from his peers in that he sticks strictly to the traditional Stroganov and Fedoskino styles.
The box features one of Frederick Goodall's oil paintings "Already He Knew God As His Father".
This piece is truly a work of art, from the top to the bottom! Here Dokuchaev has combined brilliant skill with oil paints in shading, coloring, texturing, and a gift for realism!
The scene is framed with a gold line. The lid and sides are richly decorated with traditional Scotish decoration.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while red lacquer completes the interior of the box. The lid is hinged from the top of the composition, and the box rests on a wavy platform with several legs.The work is signed by the artist.