Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Under $500
Title: Winter in a village
Artist: Soloviova Natalie
Size: 5.5x8x3.5
Size (inches): 2.25x3x1.25
Price: $99 $60

Description: Natalia Soloviova from the village of Fedoskino is a talent behind this painting.
Here the artist depicts the view of neglected snow and ice covered church in a Russian village. The churches became useless during the Soviet Union epoch when many churches and cathedrals were closed as the Soviet regime tried to eradicate religion.
White, gray and yellow tones suitable for reproduction of a dull winter evening predominate here. A piece of mother-of-pearl is set into the sky to create a pinkish glow of the sunset.
The scene is framed with a simple ornament. The sides of the box are decorated with a wavy string glued to the surface.
The box is made of pressed paper and paper mache. Traditional red lacquer covers the interior of the box and exterior is black. The box has a hinge from the top of the scene, and rests on a flat bottom.
The box is signed by the artist and Fedoskino.