Home > Collection > Kholui > Under $500
Title: The Nutcracker
Artist: Kovaleova Svetlana
Size: 14.5x12.5x5
Size (inches): 5.75x5x2
Price : $495 SOLD!

Description: This very attractive composition was composed by a talented Kholui artist Kovaleova Svetlana.
The box shows a scene from "The Nutcracker", a Christmas fairy-tale written by E.T.A Hoffman.
The story tells about adventures of a little girl during the Christmas night. All her toys became alive and started speak like people. Her favorite toy, the Nutcracker, became her suitor and defender from the Mouse King. In this fantastic battle scene we can see the Nutcracker attacking the three-headed Mouse King. The Nutcracker approaches his foe, sword aloft, at the head of his army.
Kovaleova Svetlana of Kholuy does not cease to amaze her audience with each new box she paints. One gets a sense that she is only getting better with every subsequent work that appears from under her brush, however, with each passing improvement one can speculate that the peak of her artistic ability might be a few years down the road.
Red tones enhanced by the black lacquer background dominate here. Gold paint is used to add highlights and attract more light to the scene.
The scene is painted over the mother-of-pearl. This large piece of mother-of-pearl is a plate of several pressed pieces of mother-of-pearl glued to the surface of the lid of the box.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. A rich ornamental decoration of silver and gold wraps around the sides of the box, while a thin silver line frames the scene on the lid. This decoration is the perfect complement to the hard work and precise execution found in composition on the lid.
The box has a hinge above the composition and rests on four small round legs.
At the bottom of the box outside the artist has signed her name, title and the name of the school- Kholui.
Fine box!