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Title: Frost, the Red Nose
Artist: Shoronova Feokla
Size: 7.5x4
Size (inches): 3x1.5
Price: $295

Description: The composition written on this box is based on a poem by the great Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov and is called Frost-Red Nose (1863).
This poetic work glorifies the working life and the tragedy of an ordinary peasant family in nineteen century.
Husband Proclus, like all peasants, harvested hay in the summer, worked in the field, grew vegetables, and in winter transported goods and goods on his horse Savraska. And one winter he caught a cold, could not recover and died. He has a beautiful wife Daria, a son and daughter, and a father and mother.
Father dug a grave on the frozen ground and was buried. Returning from the funeral, his wife Daria found that it was cold in the house. She went out for firewood - and they ran out.... I had to take a horse and go to the forest for firewood . After chopping wood, she lost her head from grief, and has already talked to the Frost that overtook her in the forest, The story ends with Daria standing and freezing under a large pine tree in the forest...
The box is written in traditional colors characteristic of Msteora-blue, green, orange and even pink.
The box opens by simply removing the lid. The exterior of the box is covered with black paint, and the interior is red. The box rests on a flat bottom. Signed by the author, the Mster school, and the title of the poem.
Condition is good, but NOT perfect, please check with us before make a payment if interested. Rare piece.