Home > Collection > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Winter storm(1949)
Artist: Kolesova Nina Mikhailovna(1925-1998)
Size: 10x8x2.5
Size (inches): 4x3.25x1
Price: $595 $499

Description: This very detailed composition painted by a talented Palekh artist Kolesova Nina shows a dangerous trip that made by a passanger and a coachman. Snowstorm is in progress, but the troika (three horse sleigh) speeding through the Russian countryside.
The artist has used very colorful paints, pallette is blue, gray, yellow and red. The composition is look bright, but the artist has used her outstanding skill to show us a night in this colors!
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. The lid is hinged to the top of the composition, and the box rests flat. The work is signed with the artist's name, 1949 and the village of Palekh.
About the artist.
Fyodorova Nina Mikhailovna (Maiden name Kolesova).
Nina was born on the 22 of April 1925 in the village of Svergino Ivanovo-Voznesenskiy region. She has been studied in Palekh Art school(1943-1948).
And she died on the 19 of May 1998 in Palekh.