Home > Collection > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Tale of Tsar Saltan
Artist: Gelisheva Ludmila
Size: 8.5x6.5x6.5
Size (inches): 3.25x2.5x2.5
Price: $395 $365

Description: This beautiful five-sided casket was painted by a talented Palekh artist Ludmila Gelisheva.
The box shows several scenes from well-known Pushkin's tale of Tsar Saltan!
By the tsar's order, Tsar Saltan's wife and his son, Prince Gvidon, were sealed in the barrel that afterward was thrown into the sea. The barrel landed to a mysterious island. Getting out of the barrel Prince and his mother saw a magnificent palace where they would live later. On a lid we can see a moment when Tsar Saltan with his Navy is going to visit an Island.
On the front side of the casket we can see Uncle Chernomore with his 33 Warriors coming out of the Sea.
On the left side we can see a moment of landing of Prince gvidon and his mother to the island of Buyan.
On the back side we can see Prince Gvidon and Princess Swan fall in love, after a wonderful rescue on the bank of the Sea from a hawk, who was a wicked wizard.
And on a right side there is a view of Magic Squirrel! This is a singing squirrel, sitting under a fir tree, cracking golden nuts! The prince Gvidon has ordered a crystal house to be built for the little animal. He placed a guard there to stand watch and ordered a scribe to record every shell. Profit for the prince, honor for the squirrel!
The palette is full of pallete of blues, reds and whites. Each character is detailed with gold and silver paints. Gold paint is also used to decorate the box's exterior with attractive leafy patterns on a lid and on the sides.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The lid is hinged, and the box rests on the two parallel platforms. The work is signed with the artist's name, Palekh and the year 2008.