Home > Collection > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Gossip at the Well
Artist: Pochanina Valentina
Size: 5.5x2.5
Size (inches): 2.25x1
Price: $149 $100

Description: Pochanina Valentina from the village of Palekh is a talent behind this ordinary life scene.
The work is called "Gossip" and features three rural girls are telling each other the latest village news and gossip.
The scene is painted in bright colours painted over traditional Palekh black background. Brilliant gold paints are used to detail the characters' costumes and the tree's foliage.
The box's exterior is covered with black lacquer, while the interior is painted red.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. It is not hinged and rests on a flat bottom. Signed with the artist's name and the village of Palekh at the bottom of the scene.