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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: It's Berries Time!
Artist: Sosin Piotr Iliych (1936-2008)
Size: 17.5x12.5x5.5
Size (inches): 7x5x2
Price : $495 SOLD!


This colorful composition was painted by the talented Mstera artist Piotr Sosin. It continues the artist's series of boxes showing past times in Russia. In our collection we have his box depicting one of the favorite past times in Russia - gathering mushrooms. This box shows another way of spending spare time - gathering berries. Having gone far away from a small village, women and girls stroll in the woods, filling their baskets with ripe, mellow berries. They sing songs and got pleasure from fresh forest air. Not only people, but also different beasts like to eat with delight mellow berries. In the center, among the thickets, the viewer can see a bear enjoying the incomparable, flavored taste of berries; and a little above, on the big tree one can see a squirrel, cracking nuts or eating berries. Forests in Russia are rich in different gifts of nature. It's possible to find there a variety of various berries such as the wild raspberry and strawberry, the whortleberry, the cranberry and innumerous number of other sorts of berries.
Sosin fills his composition with a palette from the rainbow. A rainbow that has showered each and every square inch of this piece with vibrant delight. His colors are alive and full of flavor. Everything appears fresh, another trademark of any Sosin piece.
The box is constructed out of papier-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The composition is framed with a line of gold beads. On the outer edge of the lid, Sosin has painted a curling band of gold filigree, highlighted with aluminum. A slightly larger and expanded version of the same design decorates the sides of the box, along with two parallel lines of gold beads. The lid is hinged from the top of the composition, and the piece sits flat. The title appears just above the scene, while the artist's name and the village are found just below the scene. A beautiful composition to get lost in!

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