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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: Once one mother-in-law has seven sons-in-law (Russian song)
Artist: Sosin Piotr Iliych (1936-2008)
Size: 17.5x12.5x5.5
Price : $350 SOLD!


It expresses feelings. It tells stories. It soothes as well as riles. Here, music creates laughter through tradition. And it is this tradition that holds true through the years. Tradition needs to be carried on, with love and lesson. Family is never a dull subject. Especially when one considers all the possibilities associated with SEVEN DIFFERENT SONS-IN-LAW!!! This gathering will not lack in conversation.
The famous Mstera master Piotr Sosin is the artist responsible for this unique depiction based in experience and intelligence. His style is thoroughly recognizable, his works complete with a sense of passion.
Egg-tempera paint is the primary medium used to compose this depiction of the comical song entitled, "The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law." This is the most popular song associated with "Maslenitsa," or Pancake week. The most important custom connected with any newlyweds was the meeting of a mother-in-law with her sons-in-law. On Wednesday, a mother-in-law cooked pancakes and arranged a special feast for her sons-in-law. Many proverbs, customs and songs (mainly comic songs) were dedicated to this tradition. The artistry here presents one very entertaining meeting.
The abundant variance in shape and the texture within the scene are trademark Sosin. The trees leaves appear layered on top of one another while the architecture is a collage of geometrical perfection. The energy of the presentation is very festive. Sosin paints this rainbow of beauty against a soft yellow background that holds the whole composition together. The master's work is collectable for a reason.
The box is constructed from paper-mache made in the village of Mstera. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while the interior of the work is completed with a radiant red lacquer. A hinge is fastened to the top of the composition for ease of opening. The composition is framed with the original pattern painted in gold and aluminum. The edges of the lid are adorned with a professional, flowered filigree arrangement painted in gold and aluminum. The sides of the box are decorated with the identical pattern of golden filigree as noticed upon the lid, only here it is a bit wider and it is nestled between two parallel patterns of aluminum dashes and gold chains. Gold and aluminum are also used to highlight some elements of the composition. The box is signed with the artist's name, village and year (2003).

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