Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500
Title: Peacock's eye (Butterfly)
Artist: Yudin Anton
Size: 6x6x3.5
Price : $135 SOLD!

Description: This beautiful, original work was done by A. Yudin of Mstera. Almost all surface of the box's lid is covered with the complicated pattern of stylized plants. It is formed by dozens of skillfully depicted, multicolored flowers, buds, leaves, graceful swirls, tendrils and sinuous scrollwork. The pattern repeats the round form of the box. It is emerald inside, and bordered with a crimson band. Blue, red, pink, crimson, violet flowers and tiny green leaves are highlighted abundantly with gold paint, whereas swirls, tendrils and different scrollwork are traditionally gold. In the center of the pattern there is an incomparably beautiful butterfly. It is extremely well-drawn and looks like a real insect. It has feelers and body, and wonderful multicolored wings. This butterfly is called "The Peacock's eye". The edges of the lid are decorated with gold scrollwork highlighted with blue oil paints. The sides of the box are decorated with a very thin gold chain, which runs parallel to a rich gold floral design highlighted with crimson oil paint.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box isn't hinged and rests on a flat bottom. Upon completing the work on this piece the artist writes Mstera, the title "The Peacock's eye", and signs his name on the bottom of the box.