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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: Tale of Golden Rooster
Artist: Strunina Tatiana
Size: 7x5.5x5.5
Price : $250 SOLD!


Tatiana Strunina, a daughter of the outstanding Mstera master Piotr Strunin, is the artist who painted this box. The composition on the lid of the box, as well as the compositions on its sides, depict different scenes from the famous fairytale "Tale of the Golden Cockerel," written by the Great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The composition on the box's lid depicts the final scene of this fascinating fairytale. Tsar Dadon and the beautiful Queen of Shemakha sit in the carriage driving with wonderful horses. They drive by the incomparably beautiful Dadon's palace. The composition on the front side of the box shows the meeting of Tsar Dadon with the Astrologer. Dadon, an aging ruler whose kingdom is threatened by enemies, receives a special gift from his Astrologer: a golden cockerel. When placed on the highest spire of the palace, the cockerel stands watch and crows whenever danger is approaching. The composition that adorns the backside of the box depicts a moment of the story when Tsar Dadon sends his sons out to find the enemy that threatens his kingdom. One of two flank sides of the box is decorated with the scene showing the Shamakha Queen, standing inside her eastern tent; the other one shows the battle of Dadon's sons, each of them wants to possess the beautiful Shamakha Queen.
The compositions are painted in the traditional Mstera style with a bright color palette, iconographic elements and fine metallic gold detailing throughout the scene. The bright and rich color palette is based on skillfully matched blue, yellow, green, red and brownish tones. All the details of the composition are precisely and finely drawn with an ultra-thin brush. Here the artist uses the icon painting principle that allows her to paint multiple scenes on the surface of one box. These scenes take place at various times of the story, which gives a wide scope of action for the viewer to digest. This is easy because Strunina provides an aesthetic platform of lines and brushwork to aid the eye in scanning the piece.
The box is made out of paper-mache made. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. Gold floral ornamentation frames each of the compositions. The box has a hinge above the composition and rests on four carved feet. It is signed with the artist's name, village, and title.

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