Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500
Title: Ruslan and Lyudmila
Artist: Strunina Tatiana
Size: 7x5.5x5.5
Price : $240 SOLD!

Description: This lavish piece of genuine Russian artistry was composed by the talented Tatyana Strunina from the village of Mstera. The coloration within this scene is so bright that it almost appears as if there was a light source within the box. The subject is the famous Russian fairy-tale entitled, "The Tale of Ruslan and Ludmila" written by A.S. Pushkin.
All five sides of this box are covered with charming compositions that show different scenes from the tale. Here we can find the scene showing the battle of Ruslan with the Giant Head. Next we see the cowardly and evil Farlaf riding his steed at full speed. He has just killed Ruslan, and only the old Finn wizard can help Ruslan magically bringing him back to life using special "life and death" waters. Then follows the scene showing the wicked sorcerer Chernomor surrounded with his concubines. And at last we see the moment of the tale when Ruslan enters Ludmila's room and tries to wake her with a magical ring given to him by the old Finn. After a few anxious moments, Ludmila finally opens her eyes. The lid's composition shows the author of this thrilling tale, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, surrounded with different characters of Russian folk fairy-tales, including Baba Yaga riding her mortar, the black Cat that walks along a chain and tells tales, the Grey Wolf, Rusalka sitting on the branches of an old oak, and the tsar saying goodbye to his son, who is setting out on his journey.
Tatyana Stunina's palette is bold and the color combinations are full of life. She has incorporated Mstera's decorational style and the icon painting techniques, that have made lacquer art so popular, into this work. There is no standard for temporal or spatial normalities, which is regulated with a seamless flow between the scenes. Her transition elements include many landscape structures like trees, hills, animals, seas and she uses architecture as well. Gold paint is used to great subtlety, which adds a flair that is attractive to the point where one does not know why the painting is beautiful.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the piece. Gold ornamentation frames each composition. The box has a hinge above the composition and rests on four legs. It is signed with the artist's name, village and title.