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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: Vasilisa the Beautiful
Artist: Shirokov Anatoliy
Size: 14.5x14.5x4.5
Price : $420 SOLD!


This box painted by the famous Mstera artist Anatoly Shirokov depicts the scene, from the tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful. It depicts the moment of the tale when Vasilisa meets Baba-Yaga and three riders: the Red Sun Rider, the Dark Night Rider, and the Bright Day Rider.

"Suddenly a horseman rides,
A horseman all in red,
His steed is red,
This is the Red Sun,
The red Sun
Is rising...

An unbelievably diverse palette is used, that incorporates masterful blending and tonal shifts to create this composition. Gold and aluminum paints are used to enhance the detail and to outline areas of the scene for added emphasis; for example gold is found in the depiction of the sun behind the Red Rider, whereas aluminum paint is used to paint the Bright Day Rider. The composition is extremely well executed. A distinct feeling of fantasy has been created here. This is a very complete work. Beautiful and elaborate floral patterns painted in gold and aluminum, with inserted images of the moon and the sun painted in oils to the right and to the left from the composition decorate the edges of the box. The same floral patterns painted in gold and aluminum decorate the sides of the box, the only difference is that they are supplied with the images of forest plants, flowers, berries and mushrooms painted in oils.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while bright red lacquer completes the interior of the work. A hinge has been fastened to the top of the composition to be used for ease of opening, the box rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the artist's name, village and title.

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