Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500
Title: Three sisters
Artist: Medvedeva Antonina
Size: 15.5x10.5x4.5
Size (inches): 6x4x1.75
Price : $225 SOLD!

Description: A. Medvedeva whose style of painting is always recognizable created this work. Here she has chosen to depict an episode from the famous story entitled, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".
The composition shows the beginning of the tale when three sisters gossip among themselves as they spin wool. Each tells what she would do if she were to marry Tsar Saltan, the ruler of the kingdom, and available bachelor. Little do they know that the tsar himself is just outside of their gate, overhearing their conversation. The youngest will soon become his bride because of her wise answer: "If I were the tsar's wife I would give birth to a charming child!".
The artist makes the body language and expression of each face very unique. For instance, the tsar appears rather stunned by what he hears in the conversation between the three young women and about their dreams to be a queen. If we examine the image of the girl, sitting in the middle, we can notice the way she humbly folds her hands. Undoubtedly she is the one that the artist intended to be the tsar's wife.
To paint the winter landscape the artist uses cold blue and green tones, while the characters and the architecture are painted in warm red and orange tones.
The detail is added with gold paint, which defines the movement in the steeds' mane, the contours, and the decoration on the characters' clothing.
The edges of the lid are decorated with beautiful silver patterns with inserted four small miniatures that show Prince Gvidon on the left, Princess Swan on the right, and two ships on top and at the bottom. The sides of the box are decorated with elegant silver patterns.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the piece. The box isn't hinged and rests on a small platform. It is signed with the artist's name, village and title.