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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: Sadko(the early 1960th)
Artist: Kuznetsov
Size: 17.5x12.5x5.5
Size (inches): 7x5x2.25
Price : $295 SOLD!


This old was painted approximately in the late fifties or in the early sixties. It is the creation of Mstera artist Kuznetsov. It shows a scene from the Russian fairy-tale "Sadko". The artist has chosen to depict the festive occasion in the underwater realm of Tsar Morskoi (the King of the Sea). All creatures of the sea have come to listen Sadko playing gusli (ancient Russian musical instrument). The festivities become so frenzied that furious waves are lashed about in the sea and numerous ships are sunk.
The painter is charmed with the beauty of underwater realm. He painstakingly paints different fish, crabs, jelly-fish and colorful water plants. The figures of the characters, their faces and clothing are also elaborately painted with a lot of details.
The composition is painted in the traditional for the Mstera School pallet. The predominance is given to blue and red tones. Gold is used to detail the characters' costumes.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. A wildly animated floral ornamentation design frames the composition on the lid. The box has a hinge from the left of the composition and rests on a flat bottom. It is signed with the name of the artist, the title ("Sadko"), and the village of Mstera.

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