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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: In the forest reserve
Artist: Shirokova Anastasya
Size: 13x10x5
Size (inches): 5x3.5x2
Price : $195 SOLD!


This highly attractive piece of genuine Russian artistry was created by established Mstera master Anastasya Shirokova. She is the daughter of the prominent Mstera artist Anatoly Shirokov. She has adopted her father's painting methods that is why her works bear resemblance to the works of her father.
Here, an assembly of activity and personality representing a wide variety of tales, has been composed. This refers to the mystery that many of the tales hold within themselves. The depiction covers this with the characters seen throughout. The young ladies in the center represent the innocence that often has to deal with devilish circumstances within the fairy-tale. To the far right, a fatherly forest spirit known as the Leshii. Two wolves and an elk, practical residents of the area. In the upper left hand corner, dragons that make for a powerful foe. In the upper right hand corner, how could one ever forget the infamous witch Baba-Yaga? And in the lower left hand corner we have two mermaids, or Rusalki. A tantalizing cast that represents multiple facets of the fairy-tale genre.
The composition is extremely well executed. The artist splits the landscape into shards of night and day. This is all accomplished through color combinations. Olive green, a mesmerizing array of blues and a mustard colored tone fully dominate the artistry. A distinct feeling of fantasy has been created here. This is a very complete work.
The box has been constructed from paper-mache made in the village of Mstera. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box while red lacquer completes the interior of the piece. A hinge has been fastened to the top of the composition to be used for ease of opening, and the box rests upon four rounded feet. The artist has created the lid's decoration in a very interesting way. It blends in with the composition, becoming a part of it in a way. This is noticed where the composition actually extends into the framing at the top and the bottom of the artistry. A thin band of gold is used to frame the closest edge of the scene. The decoration comes by the way of curling golden scrollwork filled with bright aluminum flowers. The similar ornamentation is used to decorate the box's sides. The artist has signed his name, the title ("In the Forbidden Forest") and the village name of Mstera along the bottom of the composition in gold paint.

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