Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500
Title: Tale of little hump-backed horse
Artist: Strunina Tatiana
Size: 7x7x6.5
Size (inches): 2.75x2.75x2.5
Price : $195 SOLD!

Description: This spectrum of beauty and design was composed by the talented Tatyana Strunina from the village of Mstera. The subject of this handsome box is the popular fairy-tale "The Humpbacked Little Pony". This tale tells about the adventures of the stableman Ivan and his faithful friend the Humpbacked Little Pony who is a magical creature. All the key moments of this thrilling tale are depicted here. One of the scenes depicted on the sides of the box shows how Ivan catches the magic mare that have trampled down the rye field of his father. Later on this mane will give birth to two beautiful steeds with the golden mane and to a little Humpbacked Pony. These steeds will be the reason of Ivan's future adventures. By selling them to the Tsar, Ivan finds the job of a tsar's stableman, and soon he is obliged to fulfill the tsar's extravagant tasks: to catch the magic Fire Bird, to kidnap the beautiful Tsar Maiden, to get the Tsar Maiden's ring lost somewhere on the bottom of the ocean, and to bathe in the ice and boiling water (all these moments are also depicted on the box). Ivan successfully fulfills all these difficult tasks with the help of his faithful friend the Humpbacked Pony and in the end of the story marries the beautiful Tsar Maiden.
The palette is very bright and festive. Every color that is used enlivens the scene in some way. The mood is that of celebration. The artist's palette is as rich as the Tsar's fortune. Strunina has done a professional job with the presentation of theme. This popular fairy-tale is recreated handsomely.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. The edges of the lid and its sides are decorated with beautiful gold patterns. The exterior of the box is painted with black lacquer while the interior is completed with dark red lacquer. The lid isn't hinged and the box rests on a small platform. The work is signed with the artist's name, the title and the village on the base of the box.