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Title: The Fountain of Bakhchi-Sarai
Artist: Strunina Olga (Lvovna)
Size: 21.5x15.5x3
Size (inches): 8.5x6x1.25
Price : $650 SOLD!

Description: This lovely piece of genuine Russian artistry was composed by the talented Olga Strunina from the village of Mstera. She is a daughter of the outstanding Mstera artist Lev Fomichyov, and continues his artistic traditions in lacquer miniature art.
The theme of this work is based on the Pushkin's poem "The Fountain of Bakhchi-Sarai" written in 1823. In this poem the rich khan Girey, the owner of harem, is very sad and angry. But why? His beautiful young wives are faithful to him, his army is unconquerable, his palace is sumptuous, his possessions and lands are limitless... To cheer him, his wives sing him the song about the beautiful Zarema, the khan's beloved wife. But Zarema is also very sad and pale. She knows the reason of knan's sufferings. He ceased to love her, as he fell in love with the young Marya, the Poland princess, kidnapped from the parental house. Marya was fading like a flower in captivity; she didn't love Girey and missed her motherland. One night Zarema appeared in Marya's room. She implored her to reject the khan's affection and threatened her. But the young virgin couldn't understand her passionate language; death was more preferable for her than the fate of being the khan's mistress. Marya's wish came true, and she died. Girey left his palace and harem, to wage war in faraway countries. He hoped to forget Marya while fighting against the enemy. Zarema was killed by his servants the day Marya died. In memory of Marya Girey erected the fountain that was called "the fountain of tears". According to the legend, Pushkin saw this fountain during his tour of Crimea, and in his genius mind this romantic poem was born. If you happen to visit Crimea, you may visit the town of Bakhchi-Sarai, and see this fountain glorified by Pushkin.
Various scenes from this poem are painted in the shades of blue, green and yellow-orange. Some details like jars, vases, hookahs, ornaments on the floor and the characters' costumes are enhanced by gold paint.
The scene is outlined with a gold line. The edges of the lid are decorated with the Fomichyov's style floral patterns painted in gold and accented with red and blue tempera paints.
The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box has a hinge above the composition and rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed, titled, and dated (2006) by Olga Strunina.