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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: Tale of Humpbacked Pony
Artist: Bakhilin Konstantin
Size: 6x8x3.5
Size (inches): 2.25x3.25x1.25
Price : $185 SOLD!


Konstantin Bakhilin is the artist who painted this delightful box. It shows a scene from the Russian fairy tale "The Humpbacked Little Pony" written in verse by Peter Yershov. Here we can see a moment when Ivan caught the magic mare that trampled down the wheat field of his father. The mare asked Ivan to let her go, and promised to give birth to a Little Humpbacked Pony that would be his faithful friend.
The palette used to paint this scene is full of bright and bold colors. Dark blue tones make up the majority of the scene. Gold paint is used to paint the mane and tail of the mare as well as the wheat field and the stars on the dark night sky.
The scene is outlined with gold. The edges of the lid and the box's sides are adorned with intricate gold patterns.
The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The lid isn't hinged, and the box rests on four legs. The work is signed with Mstera, the title, the year of 2005 and the artist's name on the box's exterior bottom.

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