Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500
Title: Geese and Swans
Artist: Moshkovich Vladimir
Size: 4x4x4
Size (inches): 1.5x1.5x1.5
Price : $475 SOLD!

Description: This small square box was painted by the well-known Mstera artist Vladimir Moshkovich. It depicts several scenes from the Russian fairy-tale “Geese and Swans”. The lid shows the moment of the fairy-tale when the wicked birds Geese and Swans kidnapped the little boy by the order of Baba-Yaga. The sides of the box are covered with the following scenes: the River conceals Alyonushka and her little brother under her banks and Geese and Swans can't notice them; the Apple Tree hides the children under her branches and Geese and Swans fly past them; the Stove hides the children and the wicked birds can't find them; Alyonushka and her little brother successfully come back to their parents.
The box is painted in the traditional for Mstera School palette filled with soft blues, greens, browns and reds. Both the characters and the surrounding landscape are skillfully painted and thoroughly detailed.
The box's exterior is decorated with simple gold patterns.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The lid isn't hinged, and the box rests on a flat bottom It is signed with the name of the artist, the village of Mstera, the year of 2007 and title (“Geese and Swans”).