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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: The Golden-Domed Moscow
Artist: Shirokova Anastasia
Size: 13.5x10.5x4
Size (inches): 5.25x4x1.5
Price : $395 SOLD!


This highly attractive piece of genuine Russian artistry was created by Mstera master Anastasya Shirokova. She is the daughter of the prominent Mstera artist Anatoly Shirokov. She has adopted her father's painting methods that is why her works bear resemblance to the works of her father.
Here the artist depicts the troika driving past the Moscow Kremlin. The driver sits in the sleigh and shouts encouragement to his steeds, while the loving couple behind his back watches the beautiful winter landscape and talks. In the background the artist depicts the golden-domed cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin encircled with red-bricked wall, the St. Basils Cathedral and the Tsar Cannon. In the left part of the composition the artist depicts the Christmas Tree, and another loving couple: the lad playing accordion and his girl-friend. In the right part of the composition the artist depicts the small market, the seller of patties and cakes, and two young ladies who has just bought bagels or "boubliks" in the market.
The composition is painted in bright colors. Gold paint highlights the domes of the cathedrals, details the costumes of the characters and builds the background against which the troika is depicted. Aluminum is also used here but in minimal amounts.
The edges of the lid and the box's sides are decorated with originally designed gold and aluminum patterns. The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. The box is hinged and rests on four legs. The box is signed with the artist's name, the village of Mstera and the title ("The Golden Domed Moscow").

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