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Home > Gallery > Mstera > Under $500

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Title: Tale of a Sleeping Beauty
Artist: Strunina Olga
Size: 15x11.5x2
Size (inches): 5.75x4.5x0.75
Price : $495 SOLD!


Olga Strunina of Mstera is the artist who painted this magnificent piece. The theme is based on the popular story of, "The Sleeping Beauty." This story was originally put to pen by French writer Charles Perrault in 1696. It tells about the beautiful princess who is enchanted by a neglected fairy to sleep for three hundred years. The wish of wicked fairy is very cruel. Not only the Princess but also all people of her kingdom are put to sleep. The evil spell can be destroyed by the handsome prince who is destined to awake the princess by his sweet kiss. Here we can see the Prince entering the enchanted kingdom, all its inhabitants sleeping deeply.
The composition is painted in beautifully combined tempera paints. Gold paint is used to add various details and fill the scene with a magic brilliance. The composition is framed with a simple gold pattern. The edges of the lid are decorated with beautiful gold floral ornamentation accented with blue and red tempera paints.
The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box has a hinge above the composition and rests on a flat bottom. The artist wrote Mstera, 2007, the title, and her name at the bottom of the composition in gold paints.

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