Home > Gallery > Mstera > Over $500
Title: Bible scenes
Artist: Gaun Alexander
Size: 25x19x21.5
Size (inches): 9.75x7.5x8.5
Price : $4750 SOLD!

Description: This impressive five-sided casket was painted by Mstera Master Alexander Gaun. The artist has already created a series of works based on various biblical subjects such as "Flood", "Exodus", "Gogotha", "Judas Treachery", and this piece include some of them, but staying to be very large and unique.
Each side has painting based on bible story. On the top we can see "Exodus",
the front side "Golden Bull", on the left side-"Manna from heaven", on the right-"Flood of the Egyptians" and on the back-"The Jews walked across the Red Sea".
Also- on the lid of the casket there is a large area of exquisite ornamentaion going all over the lid. And we can find there four addition paintings with two figures of human. They are: "And the rivers turned to Blood", "and a Stick turns into snake...","Moses and Pharaoh" and "Darkness comes upon them".
The coloring of the composition is typical for Gaun's painting style. It is based on harmonious combinations of three main colors: brown, red and yellow.
The compositions are framed with gold lines. The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box isn't a hinged and rests on four feet.
Every painting on this casket is signed with the titles and on the top of it we can find the sign of the village of Mstera and name of the artist.