Home > Gallery > Mstera > Over $500
Title: Baba Yaga
Artist: Molodkin Nikolay
Size: 24x18x5
Size (inches): 9.5x7x2
Price : $2750 SOLD!

Description: Young and talented Mstera Master , Nikolay Molodkin, has painted this image of Baba Yaga depicted from the Russian fairy-tales. His elaborate style is well established among the lacquer box collectors community. His father is the outstanding Mstera Master Vladimir Molodkin, his brothers- Denis and Daniil, are the leading artists of the village of Mstera as well.
Baba-Yaga is the oldest character of the Slavonic mythology. Originally Baba-Yaga was the goddess of death; people imagined her as a woman with the snake tail who guarded the entrance into the other world and accompanied the souls of dead people into the Kingdom of the Dead. Baba-Yaga is the most famous figure in Russian fairy-tales that represents evil. It is a character of such fairy-tales as "Marya Morevna", "Princess Frog", "The Tale of Life Water and Youth Giving Apples", and many, many others.
In this composition Baba-Yaga is flying from her Hut on the checken legs on a mortar with a broom in her hand. The painting is showing the dark forest, the Hut is located in the middle of the composition on the back stage. In the left lower corner, we can see a group of mushroomers, gathering mushrooms of a huge size! Up of this group there are two elks. In the uppper left corner we can see an image of Guardian Angel! In the upper right corner we can see one of the birds of Paradise- a Sirin, and lower it- a Bear.
The composition is painted in the muffled color of tempera paints.
The sides of a box are decorated with a gold ornamentation. The box's exterior is black, while the box's interior is red.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. A hinge is fastened to the top of the composition , and the box rests on the four legs. The work is signed with the year of 2016, Mstera, title- Baba Yaga and the autor Nikolay Molodkin.