Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Tale of Frog Princess
Artist: Varzina Natalie
Size: 15x3.5
Size (inches): 6x1.25
Price : $499 SOLD!

Description: This round box with several compartments was painted by Natalie Varzina.
The set includes seven compartments that rest on the round shaped tray. Six of the seven lids are openning while the central lid can be easily moved away from the tray. The set looks like a daisy and each of its petals is a compartment.
It shows several scenes from the popular Russian fairy-tale "Tale of Frog Princess".
The short plot of the tale is following :
The old Tsar tells his three sons -Ivan and his brothers to shoot their arrows blindfolded, into a random direction to find a wife. The arrows of Ivan's brothers land near the houses of the rich and beautiful maidens. The happy Tsar welcomes his daughters-in-law on the threshold of his palace. And the arrow of the youngest brother, Prince Ivan, landed in the swamp near a frog. So, the poor prince is destined to marry the frog!
Then, the three brothers were invited to a large feast, and each of them is told to bring his wife. Everyone makes fun of poor Ivan who has come alone. It lasts until the gorgeous Vasilisa the Wise appears! She creates a miniature lake full of swans with just one nonchalant wave of her hand in the palace of the Tsar.
Prince Ivan has received the magic clew from the old man. This clew will help him to find Vasilisa the Wise who disappeared after Ivan had burnt down her frog skin. The clew leads Ivan to the palace of Koshchei the Deathless where Vasilisa languishes in captivity. Ivan must kill Koshchei and release his beloved wife.
To fulfill this task, he should take out the needle that contains Koshchei's death from the chest hanging on the old oak, and break it. So, Ivan fulfill all the tasks and kill Koshey and they live happily with Vasilisa.
Major episodes of the Tale are painted on these seven lids.
Pallete is traditional for Palekh and contains red, blue and green colors. The painting is made over the leaves of gold, glued to the surfaces of all seven lids. This add rich luminescence and delicacy to the piece.
The box's exterior is decorated with intricate gold leafy patterns.
The box is constructed from cardboard,paper-mache and pressed paper.
Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. The box rests on the three legs. The composition is signed with the artist name, and the village of Palekh.