Home > Gallery > Palekh > Over $500
Title: Do you want to be a Cosmonaut?
Artist: Zhiryakov A.Ye.
Size: 12.5x11x4
Size (inches): 4.75x4.25x1.5
Price : $535 SOLD!

Description: Zhiryakov A. of Palekh painted this composition painted on the Soviet epoch theme. Such boxes were very popular during the Soviet era and you can find them in every catalogue dedicated to the history of Russian lacquer art. These boxes and his own remembrances of the Soviet epoch inspired the artist to create this magnificent box.
The box is called "Do You want to be a Cosmonaut?!", and features the cosmonaut putting this question to the little boy. The composition is originally designed. The cosmonaut and the boy are painted as two giants standing on the land covered small peasant houses. They symbolize the present-day and forthcoming generations of mankind. Their figures, the land and the skies are painted within the limits of the blue semicircle that symbolizes the planet of Earth. The rest part of the composition which is left black and covered with bright stars symbolizes the space. The cosmonaut points at the rocket that leaves the Earth rising higher and higher.
The composition is painted in bright tempera paints and richly detailed with gold and aluminum paints. It is framed with beautiful gold ornamentation. The sides of the box are decorated with elaborate gold and aluminum patterns.
The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box has a hinge above the composition, and rests on four feet. Zhiryakov has signed, titled and dated (2004) his work.