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Title: Angel Figure "Fantasy"
Artist: Stepan Goryachiy
Size: 13x10x5
Size (inches): 5,25x4x2
Price : $345 SOLD!

Description: This is a magnificent creation painted by the talented artist Stepan Goryachy.
He has been able to create the exceptional doll, notable for unusual shape, interesting theme and untraditional style. It repeats the shape of a nesting doll, but it doesn't have any nesting dolls of a smaller size in its interior. Moreover it has two detachable wings.
To paint this work Goryachy has used different styles and techniques, but it is obvious that the surrealistic style dominate here. Fantasy and obscure dreams are expressed with the means of a brush and paints. The beautiful lady wrapped in multicolored tissues streaming in the wind holds the torch. Near her the artist depicts the sad sheep standing near the window. Besides them the artist also depicts dozens of flowers and geometrical figures, and the house that can be seen through the open window. All theses images remind fragments from someone's dream.
The artist has used a rich palette of different tones and shades to paint this work but the predominance is given to blue violet, pink, and green tones. Aluminum paints are also used but in minimal amounts.
The doll is made out of wood. Its base is covered with multicolored patters resembling the symbolic image of the sun. The work is titled by the artist.