Home > Gallery > Matryoshka > Under $500
Title: Carving Santa with theme of "Harry Potter"
Artist: Anonymous
Size: 28x12x8
Size (inches): 11.25x4.75x3
Price : $200 SOLD!

Description: This attractive Santa Claus has been made in the town of Sergiev Posad.
It is cut out of wood and covered with vivid watercolors.
Santa Claus is dressed in the bright red warm fur and hat;
he carries the sack with presents in his left hand,
while in his right hand he holds the magic rod.
This rode is removable, so it can be easily extracted from his hand.
The scene painted on Santa's shirt (at the front side of the doll) features
Harry Porter hovering over the Christmas Tree, and the girl waving the magic wand.
To decorate and detail the doll the master has used gold paints, red,
multicolored and silver spangles.
The most laborious work has been made while cutting out the face and the beard of Santa.
It has been done so skillfully that each hear of his beard is crafted separately,
and his face looks very kind and amiable.