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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Over $500

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Title: Ash-berry
Artist: Slaeva Liliana
Size: 11x13x3.5
Size (inches): 4.25x5x1.25
Price: $1250 $950

Liliana Slaeva is the talent behind of this beautiful Fedoskino box. The work is called "Ashberry"(or Rowan), and shows a beautiful girl stayed at the wooden fence surround the ashberries that are so loved by the birds in Central part of Russia in the winter. The girls is dressed in traditional Russian winter costume and her hands are covered warm mittens. Beautiful red woolen scarf is covered her head.The costume and a scarf are painted with the aid of golden leaves, that are shines through them.
The artist has picked up a moment on this composition when it feels like the girl has stopped talk to us just a minute ago. One more moment and she will tell us something interesting...
The scene is painted in light gray oils against the bright background. Black lacquer covered the box's exterior while the interior is traditionally covered with red lacquer.The composition is framed with a gold line as well as another gold line is decorated a bottom of the box.
The box is made out of paper-mache. The lid is hinged from the left of the scene, and the box rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the artist's name, title, the year of 2015 and the village of Fedoskino.

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